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Unpacking a Design & Health Lab Collaboration
Initiate. Collaborate.
Prior to Good Health Design, Steve Reay’s most well-known project is the Design Health and Wellbeing lab (dhwlab.com) at Auckland Hospital (2013-2018). It was New Zealand’s first collaboration between a university design school and a hospital, with a design studio - and won the top prize at the Best Awards, New Zealand’s foremost design awards.
Steve spoke about their design team’s experiences of establishing a hospital design lab and working in healthcare, along with the opportunities that have come from this.
Visit dhwlab.com to learn more about the work that was done from 2013 to 2018 at the Design Health and Wellbeing lab.

Steve Reay
Steve is currently director of Good Health Design, a collaborative design studio at Auckland University of Technology. He is one of a multidisciplinary team whose aim is to develop better health and wellbeing experiences.