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The Architecture of Choice

The field of behavioural economics tries to portray a science of marketplaces that are comprised of humans rather than rational “econs.” In this talk, Dilip will first outline the basic ideas of behavioural economics, make a case for what it can contribute to organizations and the field of behaviour change, and share several examples of how it has been used to help people make better decisions.

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Dilip Soman

Canada Research Chair in Behavioural Science and Economics + Director, BEAR

Dilip Soman is a Canada Research Chair in Behavioural Science and Economics, and serves as a Director of the Behavioural Economics in Action Research Centre at Rotman (BEAR). His research is in the area of behavioural science and its applications to consumer wellbeing, marketing and policy. He is the author of "The Last Mile" (University of Toronto Press) and teaches a massive open online course (MOOC) "BE101X: Behavioural Economics in Action" on EdX.